14.06.2022 // online // Webinar

SUSTAINX Roundtable: Preparing for supply chain regulation

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Supply chain laws like the Lieferkettengesetz (Germany) or The Modern Slavery Act 2015 (UK), require businesses to examine their global value chains and ensure greater transparency and active risk management with regards to human rights.

Enterprises need to understand the foundation and key points of the Acts to which they fall in scope and take due diligence. The concept of human rights due diligence is not new. It is already common practice across Europe and soon to be legally enforced with EU-wide regulation.

But what does supply chain due diligence look like?

In the next SUSTAINX roundtable we will give an overview of the various legal requirements before looking at what steps companies could reasonably take to ensure compliance and avoid penalties and sanctions. Join us to discuss supply chain laws in greater depth and learn more about a variety of solutions to help you ensure compliance.

Curious? Make sure to join us on Tuesday, the 14th of June 2022 (from 2:00 – 3:00h CET) for an interactive session!

** Sign up via: attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/156597267053344528 ***

Denise Helling
Externe(r) Referent/in

Sven Steinert (SUSTAINX)

Dr. Detlef Tietze (H&Z Unternehmensberatung)