Dr André Große Vorholt

Dr André Große Vorholt

Dr André Große Vorholt


T +49 89 23714 12460


Ombudsman of KSB SE & Co. KGaA (internal reporting office according to HinSchG)
Hotline: +49 1520 16 24700

Ombudsman of Merz Pharma GmbH & Co. KGaA
Mail: merz-ombudsmann@luther-lawfirm.com

Ombudsman of Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA (internal reporting office according to HinSchG)
Mail: ottobock-ombudsmann@luther-lawfirm.com

Ombudsman of Ericsson GmbH
Mail: ericsson-ombudsmann@luther-lawfirm.com

Ombudsman of RAG-Stiftung (internal reporting office according to HinSchG)
Mail: rag-stiftung-ombudsmann@luther-lawfirm.com

Ombudsman of RAG Aktiengesellschaft (internal reporting office according to HinSchG)
Mail: rag-aktiengesellschaft-ombudsmann@luther-lawfirm.com

Ombudsman of RAG Montan Immobilien GmbH (internal reporting office according to HinSchG)
Mail: rag-montan-immobilien-ombudsmann@luther-lawfirm.com

Ombudsman of Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Nordrhein – KdöR (internal reporting office according to HinSchG)
Mail: kvno-ombudsmann@luther-lawfirm.com

Lawyer of trust of Flughafen Stuttgart GmbH
Mail: fairport@luther-lawfirm.com
Hotline: +49 1520 16 24700

Areas of practice

Dr André Große Vorholt specialises in corporate criminal and criminal tax law, liability law and compliance. He represents companies and individuals in preliminary investigations concerning criminal and administrative offences. Furthermore, he advises companies on recovery issues (enforcement of claims for damages) and, within the scope of M&A transactions, on identifying risks under corporate criminal law. Dr Große Vorholt also advises companies within the scope of prevention on the introduction and implementation of efficient compliance structures. Dr Große Vorholt acts as legal confidant and ombudsman for some of his clients.


Dr André Große Vorholt studied law in Freiburg i. Breisgau, Germany and was admitted to the German Bar in 1998. During his legal training and while working on his doctorate, he worked for the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, the Department for Criminal Law and Legal Theory in Freiburg i. Breisgau, Club Med and Credit Suisse. Dr Große Vorholt worked as a lawyer in Heidelberg from 1998 to 2001 and as in-house lawyer for Deutsche Bahn AG in Frankfurt in 2002. He joined Luther in 2003 and headed Luther's Mannheim office until 2007. Dr. Große Vorholt has been the location head of Luther's Munich office since 2007 and also heads the service line "Corporate Criminal and Criminal Tax Law". Dr André Große Vorholt is the author of numerous publications concerning corporate criminal and criminal tax law and compliance (for example, he is the author of the compendium: "Corporate Criminal Law - Risks - Defence - Prevention", 2nd ed. 2007).

Honors and distinctions
  • Chambers Europe 2024: Ranking in "Dispute Resolution - White-Collar Crime: Corporate Advisory", Band 3 (first ranking in 2018, "He is a very experienced colleague, strong at communicating and highly valued.")
  • The Legal 500 Germany 2024: Recommendation in the category "Business Law - Advising Companies" (first mention in 2014, "a real house number in Munich") and mention in "City Focus Munich" (first recommendation in 2023)
  • kanzleimonitor.de 2019/2020: Recommendation in "Compliance" (first recommendation in 2018/2019)
  • Best Lawyers 2025: Recommendation in "Corporate Governance & Compliance Practice" (first recommendation in 2021) and "Criminal Defense"
  • WirtschaftsWoche 2024: Recommendation "Top Lawyer" in "Compliance" (first recommendation in 2012, "One of the best compliance consultants in Germany")
  • Leaders League 2024: Ranked as "Highly Recommended" in "White Collar Crime" (first recommendation in 2022)
