Prof. Dr Johannes Beermann

Prof. Dr Johannes Beermann

Prof. Dr Johannes Beermann


T +49 30 52133 10167

Staatsminister a.D.
Vorstand der Deutschen Bundesbank a.D.
Of Counsel
Industries Real Estate & Infrastructure Financial Services, Investment Funds & Alternative Investments

Areas of practice

Prof. Dr Johannes Beermann’s legal practice focuses on administrative, constitutional, and media law, legislation, banking, capital markets, public finance and public affairs.


Prof. Dr Johannes Beermann studied law at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich (Germany) and then went on to earn his doctorate in tax law from the University of Münster (Germany) in 1990.

In 1988, he joined Department 315 (Healing professions with university education, non-medical healing practitioners) of the German Federal Ministry for Youth, Family Affairs, Women and Health as a departmental advisor. Johannes Beermann was a health care coordination advisor for the German Reunification Treaty. As a result, he was seconded to work in the new German states.

This was followed by positions as Head of the Office of the German Christian Democrats’ Secretary-General and as a State Councillor to the Senator of Finance in Bremen (Germany). Around the turn of the millennium, Johannes Beermann was a State Secretary in the Hessian State Chancellery. He then practised as a lawyer from 2003 to 2008 before being appointed Minister in the German state of Saxony in 2008. Most recently, until 2022, he was a Board Member of Deutsche Bundesbank. Johannes Beermann joined Luther as Of Counsel in 2023. He also works as an honorary professor for public finance and public affairs at the University of Applied Sciences of Mittweida (Germany).