25.01.2021 - // online // Webinar
The Center for International Dispute Resolution (CIDR) and Luther cordially invite you to the third Luther Dispute Resolution Lecture on Arbitration vs Litigation: Can Recent Hague Instruments Influence the Market for Cross-border Commercial Dispute Resolution? held by Professor Geneviève Saumier (McGill University) on January 25, 2021, 6:30 pm (CET), online via Zoom.
One significant advantage of arbitration as a mechanism for commercial dispute resolution is the enforceability of arbitral awards under the 1958 New York Convention regime. The absence of an equivalent multilateral system for enforcement of court decisions may be a distinguishing factor that continues to benefit arbitration over court litigation. This suggests that a change in the landscape for circulation of court judgments might have an influence on the forum chosen by parties seeking resolution of a cross border dispute. The 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements and the 2019 Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters open the door to increased circulation of court judgments. Professor Saumier's lecture will consider whether these instruments are likely to have any impact on the market for cross-border dispute resolution.
Professor Geneviève Saumier holds the Peter Laing Q.C. Chair at McGill University’s Faculty of Law in Montreal (Canada). Her scholarship focuses on private international law and international commercial dispute resolution. In addition to her participation in the Working Group on the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts, she is the Co-Rapporteur for the 2019 Hague Judgments Convention.
The lecture was originally planned for spring 2020 but had to be postponed due to COVID-19. Due to ongoing restrictions, it will be held online via Zoom.
6:30 pm | Opening Remarks
Dr. Richard Happ, Luther
Professor Dr. Karsten Thorn, Bucerius Law School
6:40 pm | Keynote
Professor Geneviève Saumier, McGill University
7:30 pm | Questions & Debate
Please register by clicking here.