21.09.2020 Over EUR 4 billion for the digitalisation of hospitals German Parliament passes Future of Hospitals Act (Krankenhauszukunftsgesetz–KHZG)
16.09.2020 M&A Day at the Sole24ore
16.09.2020 ECJ overturns EU-U.S. privacy shield: regulatory authorities and companies comment on the ruling (overview)
16.09.2020 Evidentiary value of a “screenshot” in judicial proceedings
14.09.2020 Corona pandemic - undesirable tax side effects
14.09.2020 The forgotten Brexit negotiations
03.09.2020 Hearing fee without even “picking up the phone”?
31.08.2020 Hiring out employees as temporary workers: an alternative to short-time work?
27.08.2020 Referentenentwurf zur Änderung der HOAI veröffentlicht