17.03.2022 // Luxembourg // Conference

The right to disconnect

Further Information

Thomas Alberti will be speaking at the HR Lux Trade Fair conference focused on the right to disconnect organised in Luxembourg on 17 March 2022.

Description of the conference:

Every employer must ensure the safety and health of its employees. This general obligation has become particularly important in view of the increasing digitalisation of business communication and the development of teleworking. In this context, many employees continue working beyond the hours specified in their employment agreements. This practice, whether voluntary or in response to an employer’s more or less explicit requests, can have consequences on employees’ physical and/or mental well-being. As a result, the Luxembourg legislator presented Bill n°7890 in order to include in the Luxembourg Labour Code articles related to employees’ right  to disconnect.

For more information on the topics and the schedule of the conference, please view here. Should you be interested in participating in the conference, please register here.

Conference language: English

Thomas Alberti