16.08.2023 “Compass”: Changes to the procedure for the granting of work permits in Singapore
04.08.2023 Nebenforderungen: keine Nebensache
02.08.2023 Sustainability – No “Carte Blanche” for cooperation between competitors under the European Commission’s new Horizontal Guidelines
12.07.2023 Next step towards Europe-wide harmonisation of insolvency law
03.07.2023 Calculation of the commercial agent’s indemnity in the case of one-off commission payments
22.06.2023 ECJ judgement Unilever Italia: Attribution of distributors’ conduct to the manufacturer in an abuse of dominance case
17.05.2023 Referentenentwurf zur Einführung von Commercial Courts und der Gerichtssprache Englisch
10.05.2023 Digital Assets: Managing Non-Fungible Tokens in B2C-Contracts
20.03.2023 ECJ: Competition authorities in the EU may take action against mergers even if they fall below notification thresholds (C-449/21, "Towercast")