Prof. Dr. Tobias Leidinger

Prof. Dr. Tobias Leidinger

Prof. Dr. Tobias Leidinger


T +49 211 5660 25098

Fachanwalt für Verwaltungsrecht
Settori economici Energy

Areas of practice

As a lawyer and certified specialist in administrative law, Prof Dr Tobias Leidinger advises industrial enterprises and clients on public business law issues regarding energy, industrial plant, environmental, nuclear power, planning and waste management law. His clients include companies from the energy and network industry, the nuclear power industry, the manufacturing industry and the waste management industry. Based on his wealth of experience in connection with the implementation of large infrastructure projects, he also acts as a legal project and process manager.


Prof Dr Tobias Leidinger studied law at the Universities of Freiburg/i.Br., Münster and Speyer (all Germany). From 1991 to 1995, he worked at the Institute of Public Business Law of the University of Münster. He was awarded his doctorate in 1992. From 1995 to 1998, after passing his second state law exam, he worked as a lawyer for the Düsseldorf (Germany) office of Kapellmann und Partner, a law firm specialising in building law and legal project management. Tobias Leidinger has been a certified specialist in administrative law since 1999. From 1998 to 2012, he held leading positions as an in-house lawyer in various functions in the energy industry, last working for RWE Power Aktiengesellschaft, Essen (Germany), with an emphasis on energy, industrial plant, environmental and regulatory law. From 2012 to 2015, he worked as a lawyer at the Düsseldorf office of Gleiss Lutz, where he focussed on energy, environmental and planning law. In 2015, Tobias Leidinger joined the Düsseldorf office of Luther, where he advises on matters pertaining to public business law, planning law and environmental law. Tobias Leidinger has been a visiting lecturer at Ruhr University in Bochum (Germany) since 2004. In 2011, he was appointed honorary professor. He is a frequent lecturer and speaker on environmental and energy law topics. Since 2012, he has additionally been the Director of the Institute of Mining and Energy Law of the Bochum Ruhr University. Tobias Leidinger has (co-)authored various books, given numerous lectures and published specialist papers (inter alia, Leidinger, “Energieanlagenrecht” (Energy Plant Law), 2007; co-author of a commentary on the German Environmental Impact Assessment Act (UVPG) – Beckmann/Kment, 5th ed. 2018, co-author of “Praxishandbuch Netzplanung und Netzausbau“ (Practitioner’s Guide to Network Planning and Network Expansion), Posser/Fassbender, 2013, co-author of a commentary on the German Atomic Energy Act and Phasing Out Acts (Atomgesetz und Ausstiegsgesetze), Frenz (editor), 2018).

Honors and distinctions
  • JUVE Guide 2023/2024: Listed under "Frequently Recommended" in "Public Commercial Law" 
  • JUVE Guide 2022/2023: Listed under "Frequently Recommended" in "Public Sector - Environmental and Planning Law" (first listed in 2016/2017, "very competent", client)
  • The Legal 500 Germany 2024: Recommendation in the category "Public Law - Environmental and Planning Law" (first recommendation in 2020, "Prof Leidinger has excellent knowledge not only of the legal situation, but also of the political situation and the social challenges facing the nuclear energy industry in Germany.") and mention in the "Industry Focus - Energy" (first recommendation in 2023, first mention in 2018, "Tobias Leidinger is a very experienced expert in both nuclear law and administrative procedural law.")
  • The Legal 500 Germany 2023: Recommendation in the category "Public Law - Commercial Administrative Law"
  • Best Lawyers 2024: Recommended in "Public Law" (first recommended in 2017) and "Energy Law" (first recommended in 2020)
  • WirtschaftsWoche 2018: Recommended as "Top Lawyer" in "Public Procurement Law"

  • Avacon AG – Planning law advice with regard to the extension of the 110kV high-voltage grid (regional planning and planning approval procedure) and advice in connection with the requirements planning procedure for the Network Development Plan Electricity 2030
  • Statkraft Germany GmbH – Planning and licensing law advice in connection with the extension of a 380kV extra-high-voltage line (planning approval procedure according to the German Energy Line Extension Act (EnLAG))
  • E.ON Kraftwerke (today, Uniper) – Planning and regional planning law advice in connection with the Datteln 4 hard-coal-fired power plant project with connections to the transmission grid and the district heat network
  • RWE Power AG – Advice on the creation of a pipe storage facility for natural gas and its connection to the transmission system
  • Network operator – Advice on a planning approval procedure according to the German Energy Line Extension Act (EnLAG)
  • Energy provider – Advice on the sale of shares in a network company
  • Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH
    Advice on licensing law for the decommissioning and dismantling of the BER II reactor (application/procedure according to § 7 Abs. 3 AtG inkl. UVP)
  • E.ON SE – Advice on atomic energy and contribution law issues according to the German Nuclear Disposal Transfer Act (EntsorgÜbG) and the German Ordinance on Advance Payments for the Creation of Repositories (EndlagerVlV)
  • PreußenElektra GmbH – Advice on atomic energy and environmental law issues
  • Energy provider – Advice in connection with the German act on the phasing out of nuclear energy (13th Act Amending the German Atomic Energy Act)
  • Federal enterprise – Licensing law advice and project support (German Atomic Energy Act (AtG), State Building Code (LBauO), Nuclear Licensing Procedure Ordinance (AtVfV), Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV), Environmental Impact Assessment Act (UVPG))
  • Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin and federal enterprise – Advice and representation in connection with cost allocation notices according to the German Site Selection Act (StandAG)
  • RWE Power AG – Atomic energy, building and environmental law advice in connection with the development of a concept for, the licensing and the implementation of interim storage facilities for nuclear fuel according to Sec. 6 German Atomic Energy Act (AtG) / State Building Code (LBauO) at three different sites in Germany
  • KWL GmbH – Advice on atomic energy law issues in supervisory and licensing procedures regarding the decommissioning and safe enclosure of the nuclear power plant in Lingen
  • KLE GmbH – Advice on atomic energy law issues in supervisory and change approval procedures for the Emsland nuclear power plant
  • KGG – Advice on atomic energy law issues in supervisory and change approval procedures for the nuclear power plant in Gundremmingen
  • Uniper AG – Mining law advice and representation in an operations plan procedure according to the German Federal Mining Act (BBergG) (existing boreholes in Mürsbach)
  • Uniper AG –Environmental law advice on liability for contaminated sites under the German Federal Soil Protection Act (BBodSchG)
  • Saint-Gobain Deutschland – Advice on waste law issues in connection with cross-border shipments of waste
  • Industrial enterprise – Advice on requirements under radiation protection law upon cessation of business according to the German Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV))
  • Saint-Gobain Sekurit – Advice on requirements as to the expertise of radiation protection officers and radiation protection agents according to the German X Ray Ordinance (RöV)
  • RKD Recycling Kontor Dual GmbH & Co. KG – Advice on questions of law according to the German Packaging Ordinance (VerpackV) and the German Circular Economy and Waste Management Act (KrWG)
  • Disposal company – Advice in connection with risks arising out of pricing law
  • SRS EcoTherm GmbH – Advice on the development of a concept for, the planning and the licensing of a waste incineration plant according to the German Federal Ambient Pollution Control Act (BImSchG)
  • Housing society – Advice on energy and contract law issues in connection with a contracting model for the supply of electricity and heat
