Diritto al punto. Luther

Luther stands for expertise and dedication. With enthusiasm for our profession and the matter at hand, we work out precise answers to your questions. We provide our clients with the best possible solution. Not too much and not too little – our advice always hits the mark.


Luther assiste di nuovo la società Bologna Fiere Cosmoprof nell’acquisizione di quote della Health and Beauty Germany

Düsseldorf – Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft ha assistito il player fieristico italiano Bologna Fiere Cosmoprof nell’acquisizione dalla Von Griesheim S.L. del rimanente 40 per-cento di quote della tedesca Health and Beauty Germany. Nel lu-glio 2018 Luther aveva già assistito la società nell’acquisizione del 60 percento di quote.

Luther assiste il Gruppo internazionale di PR SEC Newgate nell’acquisizione di ORCA Affairs

Düsseldorf – L’acquisizione messa a punto da SEC Newgate del 60 % dell’agenzia di comunicazione berlinese ORCA Affairs segna una nuova tappa nella sua strategia di espansione internazionale. Nell’ambito della transazione il Gruppo con sede a Milano (Italia) si è avvalso di una consulenza completa fornita da Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft. >>

Luther Luther assiste Marcegaglia, leader italiano della siderurgia

Düsseldorf – Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft ha assistito l’italiana Marcegaglia Carbon Steel S.p.A. nell’acquisizione del parco macchine dell’insolvente Rudolf Flender GmbH & Co. KG, Siegen. >>

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Pagine a tema

E-Mobility and Law

E-mobility has been on everyone's lips for some time and is regarded as a vital component for achieving climate targets. E-mobility is often used as a buzzword without specifying what is meant by it. This is reason enough for us, as a leading law firm in the energy sector, to pursue a cross-disciplinary approach to e-mobility and not just to take a closer look at energy law issues. >>

Brexit - the impacts

In our "Brexit section" we inform you about the latest developments regarding the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union and offer you constantly updated information on the areas of law concerned. >>

The new Act for the Protection of Trade Secrets

Business secrets are the crown jewels of every company. New developments often result from already existing, internal company knowledge. Since spring 2019, however, legal claims for betrayal of secrets, theft of secrets and violation of secrets can only be asserted if the owner of the trade secret has protected the information with appropriate measures. Reason: The new Act for the Protection of Trade Secrets >>

Influencer Marketing und Recht

Im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung müssen Unternehmen, die anderen gegenüber einen Vorteil haben wollen, auf Fortschritt setzen. Damit ist nicht allein der technische Fortschritt hinsichtlich innovativer Produkte gemeint, sondern eben auch die Weiterentwicklung des Marketings. >>

Trova un professionista >>

Trova un professionista