Martin Hüwel
Frankfurt a.M.
T +49 69 27229 12953
Martin Hüwel has many years' experience advising German and international clients on asset management as well as investment and insurance supervisory law. He advises both providers on structuring, setting up and distributing regulated and non-regulated domestic and foreign funds and other investment products and also institutional investors (including investors regulated under insurance supervisory law or banking supervisory law) on the acquisition of such investment products and on setting up their own investment platforms. A further focus of his work is providing supervisory law advice with regard to banking and financial services that require approval.
During school Martin Hüwel spent a year in the USA as part of the parliamentary sponsorship program of the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundestag) and the US Congress. He studied law at the University of Bonn (Germany) and the University of Geneva (Switzerland).
Following his first state exam he took part in the post graduate course legal issues relating to the European financial market (“Rechtsfragen des europäischen Finanzraums”) at the University of Bonn (Germany) and worked for the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). He completed part of his legal training at an investment company. After being admitted to the German Bar in 2004, he worked for the law firm SJ Berwin LLP in the practice group Financial Services and from 2010 to April 2019 he worked for the law firm Dechert LLP also in the practice group Financial Services.
In addition speaking German, he also speaks English and French. Martin Hüwel regularly holds lectures and publishes articles on supervisory law matters. Amongst other things, he also provided the commentaries in Baur/Tappen (Commentaries to the German Capital Investment Code (KAGB)) regulations regarding investment limited partnerships.