Thorsten Tilch
T +49 341 5299 0
Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht
Senior Associate
Thorsten Tilch provides advice on all matters pertaining to individual and collective employment law, including litigious matters. He additionally has special expertise and know-how in employment law matters in the field of professional sports.
Thorsten Tilch was born in 1980. He studied law at the University of Leipzig, Germany, where he also worked as a research assistant in the labour and employment law faculty. After completing his legal training, part of which was carried out in BMW AG's Corporate HR and Social Affairs Department, Thorsten Tilch worked as a jurist for the employers’ association Arbeitgeberverband Region Braunschweig e. V. / NiedersachsenMetall Landesverband Braunschweig. He joined Luther in 2009. Thorsten Tilch is Vice President of the corporate restructuring and reorganisation association Zentrum für Unternehmensrestrukturierung und Unternehmenssanierung (ZURU) e. V. In addition, he regularly lectures on employment law topics and has authored various professional publications.