Hannah Aigner
T +49 89 23714 16734
Senior Associate
Hannah Aigner advises contracting authorities and businesses on EU-wide procurement procedures and national invitations to tender and also on matters at the interface with private construction and architectural law.
Hannah Aigner handles the entire implementation of EU-wide and national procurement procedures on behalf of districts, cities, municipalities and other contracting authorities. During ongoing procurement procedures, she deals with questions from applicants and bidders and analyses applications to participate and tenders from a public procurement law perspective.
In addition, Hannah Aigner represents the interests of contracting authorities and bidders in review proceedings before the public procurement tribunals or in appeal proceedings before the higher regional courts.
In the area of private construction and architectural law, her services include, in particular, drafting construction and architect’s contracts and enforcing and defending remuneration and warranty claims in a solution-oriented manner.
Hannah Aigner studied law at the University of Leipzig (Germany), specialising in foreign and European private and procedural law. She then carried out her legal training in the District of the Leipzig Regional Court in the Free State of Saxony. Part of this training involved working in a medium-sized law firm and in a firm of auditors and lawyers.
Hannah Aigner joined Luther as a lawyer in 2018.